Our Own Kelsey Dressel on Kare11!Our Own Kelsey Dressel on Kare11!
In this spot on Kare11 Sunrise, Kelsey talks about television in today’s families: Children’s TV Shows–Are They Hurting or Helping?
In this spot on Kare11 Sunrise, Kelsey talks about television in today’s families: Children’s TV Shows–Are They Hurting or Helping?
We are incredibly pleased to have Lisa Thompson joining our team! She has expertise in working with school age children, teens, and parents using art, play, sand play, and CBT.
As the new school year has quickly approached, we may wonder will this school year be like last year? Regardless if last school year was good or bad, we carry
Stress is ubiquitous. In today’s society, stress is all too common for most people – from children younger than kindergarten age all the way up to those same children’s grandparents.